Archive for October, 2011

ESPN: The Real Rocky-documentary on Chuck Wepner

October 26, 2011
This is a great ESPN documentary on Chuck Wepner, who inspired Sylvester Stallone to come up with the Rocky film. It was Wepner’s fight against Ali that was Stallone’s inspiration. Check out the footage of the fight between Wepner and Ali. Great documentary.


October 24, 2011

Homelessness needs to become one of the central issues for the Occupy movement

October 24, 2011
In a future blog, I will express my thoughts on making the connection between the homeless and occupy movement. I will say this. The Occupy movement has spark the consciousness of the masses and brought people together to protest the top 1%. But, in order for the Occupy movement to become successful it should continue to strengthen the connections that various social movements are making. I would like to see 98% bring attention to the bottom 1% to truly be the 99%. By focusing on the bottom 1% living conditions and bringing their issues to the forefront, the Occupy movement would be moving forward in their quest for world revolution. Therefore, it is important that the homeless issue be one of the central issues for the Occupy movement. We cannot have a revolution with people still sleeping on the streets without access to the basic human needs.

Barbara Ehrenreich, wrote this great article on why Homelessness is becoming an Occupy Wall Street Issue.

24/7 Pacquiao-Marquez, first episode

October 24, 2011

24/7 Pacquiao vs Marquez: First look into the camp of Marquez & Pacquiao (Video)

October 21, 2011
I can’t wait for Saturday’s first episode of 24/7 Pacquiao vs Marquez. Here is Pacquiao and Marquez explaining what we should see in their camps.

Ring Life–Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao (Video)

October 21, 2011

Lost in Detention, documentary that exposes Obama’s failed Secure Communities Program

October 18, 2011
Tomorrow on Frontline at 9pm, Maria Hinojosa will premiere her documentary, Lost in Detention, which investigates and exposes Obama’s failed Secure Communties program, which was designed to focus and deport undocumented criminals back to their countries. Instead, the Secure Communities has deported and torn apart thousands of families. Undocumented people have been treated like criminals and Obama’s administration has deported more families than the Bush administration.

If people have a chance, I highly recommend people watching this documentary tomorrow.

Here is a great interview with Maria Hinojosa explaining her documentary.

To Check local listings, click on the link below.
Here is an extended interview in Spanish.

Dewey Bozella who spent 26 years in prison wins his 1st pro fight at age 52

October 17, 2011
Dewey Bozella, who earlier this year was the recipient of the Arthur Ashe Award made his professional boxing debut yesterday at the Staples Center at the age of 52. Dewey, whose case has received international attention for being wrongfully convicted and spent 26 years in prison, has inspired millions of people throughout the world. Last night, in his professional boxing debut he lived out his dream of becoming a professional boxer. It was a 4 round fight against a boxer who clearly wanted to quit and be disqualified but the referee made the fight go on and Dewey won his first and only fight on a unanimous decision.

For those who have not seen the video on Dewey’s life and his speech when receiving the Arthur Ashe Award, click on the link below to learn more about this amazing man.
Here is Dewey in action.

A year after Chilean miners made international headlines, some are still struggling

October 13, 2011
It was a year ago that the Chilean miners trapped in Copiapo made international headlines with their miraculous rescue. All 33 miners became instant celebrities. Some were able to use their fame by traveling around the world giving motivational speeches. Some are receiving individual therapy, receiving government pensions and then there are those who are jobless and struggling to make ends meet.

Chile became a country that was well respected around the world during the successful rescue dubbed, Operation San Lorenzo, named after the patron saint of the miners. The Chilean President took advantage of the miners story to boost his popularity. Everything was going well as long as he kept reminding the people about the Chilean miners. The miners were treated better overseas than in their own country.

Once the honeymoon was over and it was time for the President to get to work, Chileans and the world got to see a different Chilean country. Soon we realize that every miner was marching to its own beat and the government who had promised that they were going to look out for them pretty much abandoned them.

Thanks to the student uprising, the world soon realized how messed up the education system is in Chile. The students have been out in the streets for months demanding educational reforms. The students led by Camila Vallejo have gone on record that they no longer want the education system to be privatized and want the education system to be free like it was during the government years of Salvador Allende.

The student uprising has shown the true colors of the economic system that was imposed during Pinochet dictatorship. It has galvanized the whole country to stand behind the students demands and seek comprehensive reforms in the education system.

It will be interesting to see how Chile and the world remember the 33 miners. It is very important to pay attention to the current political climate that exist in Chile. Last year, there was an article that stated that Capitalism saved the miners. I wonder what would the author say about the current situation that Chile is going through right now. Has Capitalism saved Chileans? I personally think that had Allende’s government not been sabotage by the United States, Chile would have been a country to emulate. During Allende’s government, the education system was free, schools provided free breakfast to students, he nationalize the copper, provided families with the basic human needs and the workers were well treated and respected. No corporation could take advantage of its worker.The workers were well organized and actively working to make their government and country move forward.

If the miners story was a story bout Hope and Courage, may the current political system in Chile give the students the hope and courage to transform Chile where it will benefit the 99% and not the 1%.

Here is the video of the famous miner who brought the world to its feet.

Recordando al Padre Carlos Mugica, martir de los pobres

October 7, 2011

 Hoy es el cumpleaños del Padre Carlos Mugica, martir de los pobres y miembro del Movimiento Sacerdotes del Tercer Mundo en Argentina. Si estuviera vivo estaria celebrando sus 81 años con los mas humildes de la Argentina. El Padre Mugica, supo interpretar el verbo de Cristo y dio su vida predicando el evangelio del Señor.

El 11 de Mayo del 1974, cuando termino de dar Misa en la parroquia San Francisco Solano, fue asesinado el Padre Mugica por un desgraciado que tenia su carro estacionado cercas de la Iglesia y estaba esperando que saliera el Padre Mugica. Hoy sabemos que el asesino es Rodolfo Eduardo Almiron. La muerte del Padre Mugica fue un tremendo dolor al pueblo Argentino.

Sacerdotes como Carlos Mugica hay pocos. Necesitamos miles de sacerdotes como el padre Carlos. La Iglesia Catolica necesita un cambio profundo. Una revolucion politica, economica y espiritual. Un cambio donde se comprometa a dar la opcion por los pobres. Una Iglesia que se enriqueze de la fe de los pobres y no se compromete con sus luchas es como el rico que dice que tiene fe y no quiere ayudar al pobre. Si el Padre Carlos estuviera vivo, en su Iglesia uno miraria a un pueblo conscientizado, las misas llenan de canto y alegria. Una iglesia donde la colecta del dia seria para construir un centro cultural en la comunidad o usarlo para las necesidades del pueblo. La iglesia ya no se debe dejarse guiar por el Opus Dei y los sacerdotes paren de predicar el reino en el cielo y que se preocupen en construir el reino aqui en la tierra.

Uno de mis pensamientos del Padre Mugica es cuando dice:

“Antes que hablarle de Dios al hombre que no tiene techo, hay que darle un techo. Darle techo ya es hablarle de Dios.”

 Es este pensamiento que la Iglesia Catolica en el siglo 21 debe de seguir. San Francisco de Assissi dijo,’predica el evangelio, usa palabras si es necesario.’ Sigamos inspirandonos en el pensamiento y el legado del Padre Carlos Mugica. Nuestro Dios es un Cristo Obrero y en los pobres Dios esta disfrazado para que nosotros lo cobijemos, le demos de comer, le ayudemos a conseguir un techo, y lo mas importante es amarlo por la persona que es. Nuestra mision es como dice San Ignacio de Loyola, en todo amar y servir.

Hay que les dejo este link para los que quieran leer mas del Padre Carlos Mugica. Aqui van a encontrar sus pensamientos de varios temas.

Disfruten este video.

Esta es una de mis mejores reflexiones del Padre Carlos Mugica

Meditacion en La Villa

Señor, perdóname por haberme acostumbrado

a ver los chicos, que parecen tener

ocho años y tienen trece.

Señor, perdóname por haberme acostumbrado

a chapotear por el barro:

yo me puedo ir, ellos no.

Señor, perdóname por no haber aprendido a soportar

el olor a aguas servidas,

de las que puedo prescindir y ellos no.

Señor, perdóname por encender la luz

y olvidarme

de que ellos no pueden hacerlo.

Señor, yo puedo hacer huelga de hambre

y ellos no; por que nadie hace

huelga con su hambre.

Señor, perdóname por decirles

“no sólo de pan vive el hombre”

y no luchar con todo para que

ellos rescaten su pan.

Señor, quiero quererlos por ellos y no por mi.


Señor, sueño con morir por ellos,

ayúdame a vivir para ellos.

Señor, quiero estar con ellos a la hora de la luz.




Padre Carlos Mugica….PRESENTE!!!