Archive for February, 2021

Long Live Palestine

February 28, 2021

To truly fight for human rights and social justice, one has to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Angela Davis has been a living proof of a courageous revolutionary womyn who has understood the connection between Black Liberation and Palestinian Liberation.

One cannot be “woke” and be “asleep” when it comes to the Palestinian struggle. True solidarity with the oppressed people of the world requires us to taken a stand for what it’s right. It is not right that Palestinians are living under military occupation. Not okay that Gaza has been under a blockade for 13 years. In Gaza they only have electricity for 4 hours a day and they can only fish under a 3 mile radius. If fisherman pass the 3 mile radius, Israeli Navy will shoot at them and arrest them. No medical supplies or Goods can come into Gaza. It has been referred as the World’s Open Air Prison. Gaza Christians can’t celebrate Easter Sunday or Christmas in Jerusalem or Bethlehem since they are not allowed to leave Gaza. And Palestinians in the West Bank can’t visit their family and loved ones in Gaza. Israeli Apartheid has made life really difficult for Palestinians.

Currently, Israeli Apartheid has been denying vaccines to Palestinians. As the Occupier they are required to provide vaccines to the Palestinians. Instead, they have sent vaccines to foreign countries.

As we move forward, let us continue speaking out against these types of injustices and medical apartheid.