Posts Tagged ‘Palestine’

Long Live Palestine

February 28, 2021

To truly fight for human rights and social justice, one has to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Angela Davis has been a living proof of a courageous revolutionary womyn who has understood the connection between Black Liberation and Palestinian Liberation.

One cannot be “woke” and be “asleep” when it comes to the Palestinian struggle. True solidarity with the oppressed people of the world requires us to taken a stand for what it’s right. It is not right that Palestinians are living under military occupation. Not okay that Gaza has been under a blockade for 13 years. In Gaza they only have electricity for 4 hours a day and they can only fish under a 3 mile radius. If fisherman pass the 3 mile radius, Israeli Navy will shoot at them and arrest them. No medical supplies or Goods can come into Gaza. It has been referred as the World’s Open Air Prison. Gaza Christians can’t celebrate Easter Sunday or Christmas in Jerusalem or Bethlehem since they are not allowed to leave Gaza. And Palestinians in the West Bank can’t visit their family and loved ones in Gaza. Israeli Apartheid has made life really difficult for Palestinians.

Currently, Israeli Apartheid has been denying vaccines to Palestinians. As the Occupier they are required to provide vaccines to the Palestinians. Instead, they have sent vaccines to foreign countries.

As we move forward, let us continue speaking out against these types of injustices and medical apartheid.



The Separation Wall in Bethlehem, Palestine

May 31, 2018

I took this pic during my visit to Palestine.

This is part of the Apartheid wall that one will see in Bethlehem.

I will always maintain the struggle of the Palestinians close to my heart.


No Basta Rezar

October 31, 2015

Hoy recuerdo a Ali Primera, cantautor Venezolano, que con sus canciones pudo interpretar el verbo del pueblo.

No Basta Rezar, fue una cancion anti guerra, pro Vietnam. Y hoy en su cumpleaƱos, escuchar esta cancion es como si se la cantara al Pueblo Palestino.
Recuerdo al compaƱero Ali y su espiritu de lucha escuchando sus canciones y con esta me solidarizo con el pueblo palestino.

Organizers Successfully Block ZIM Ship From Entering Port of Oakland

August 21, 2014

My dear friend Reem Assil from AROC, organizers from the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and people throughout the Bay Area who support the Palestinian cause successfully blocked the ZIM ship from entering the Port of Oakland. Here is a beautiful short video of the amazing demonstration that happened in Oakland.

If you support this demonstration, please consider making a donation to Arab Resource & Organizing Center at:
Please spread the word. To learn more about the BDS movement go to:

Videos From The Wailers Concert

July 22, 2014

Here are the videos I took from The Wailers concert on July 17th at the Saban Theatre.

The Wailers put on a great show. I kept thinking about Bob Marley and if he was alive he would be using his shows to bring awareness to the crisis going on in Palestine. Music to him was a platform to promote peace, love, justice and equality. Let us keep Marley’s spirit alive by standing in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

I have pictures and short videos of songs that they performed such as; No Woman No Cry, Satisfy My Soul, and Exodus on my Instagram account. Just got my IG account couple weeks ago. It is @Doyers42

Remembering Amazing Women on International Women’s Day

March 8, 2014

For international women’s day, I want to remember 15 women who have inspired me one way or another through their activism, music, poetry, painting or spirituality. All of these women and countless more give me the source of inspiration and desire to continue planting seeds of hope and compassion in this chaotic world of ours.
In no particular order, here they are:

Comandanta Ramona

Suheir Hammad

Violeta Parra

Miriam Makeba

Mercedes Sosa

Wangari Maathai

Mother Teresa

Dorothy Day

Frida Kahlo

Anita Tijoux

Joan Baez

Las Jilguerillas

Julieta Venegas

Tracy Chapman

Sweet Honey in the Rock
(Song in honor of Ella Baker)

Aqui les dejo esta cancion de Dos Vientos De Voz Y Fuego que se llama Porque Esto Ya Comenzo. Esta cancion esta en el CD, EZLN: El Fuego y la Palabra en el disco de la Dignidad. Disfruten de esta rola.

Long Live Ella Baker

November 13, 2013

Today is the birthday and death anniversary of one of the most famous unsung heroes in our country. Ella Baker. She would have been 110 years old. Today is her 27th death anniversary. Ella Baker was the type of revolutionary that understood that the movement is not about being the one who gets more exposure or the person that everyone talks about. She was all about the people. She was the type of revolutionary who dedicated her life to the struggle of human rights, the type of person that clearly understood that one doesn’t have to get the limelight to fight for freedom of others. She the female version of Bayard Rustin. Both of them did so much for the civil rights movement behind the scenes. 

So much can be written about Ella Baker. What matters is that we apply her teachings and implement her ideas on grassroots organizing to systemically change our system. The best way to honor and pay tribute to Ella Baker is to get involved and organize our communities. Continue to fight for the human rights of all people. She once famously said, “We who in believe in Freedom cannot rest.” 

We who believe in Freedom cannot rest when our country continues to invade and occupy foreign countries.

We who believe in Freedom cannot rest when Palestinians continue to be treated like 2nd class citizens in their own land and Israel continues to have the apartheid wall.

We who believe in Freedom cannot rest when NSA has already invaded the privacy of most Americans and tapped all cell phones, read our emails and listen to the conversations of foreign leaders.

We who believe in Freedom cannot rest when homelessness continues to be an issue that people ignore and countries nationwide are criminalizing people for sleeping on the streets.

We who believe in Freedom cannot rest until we as a people start changing and realizing that the reason of our existence lies in using our gifts for the greater good of Humanity. When we are able to recognized that the beauty of life is found in upholding the human rights of all people and providing people with the basic human needs and working to abolish systems that seek to impose barriers on people’s dignity, human rights and way of life, then only then will we rest. Until then, we who believe in Freedom cannot rest.

Here is a great article about Ella Baker.

Here is my favorite song that honors Ella Baker.

Palestinian Songs Commemorating Nakba Day

May 15, 2013

This is a great video that gives a brief history of Nakba Day and includes songs commemorating the catastrophe day.
Here is information taken from the YouTube channel of this user:

May 15 marks the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe) day. In 1948, more the 780,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their homeland and more than 500 Palestinian villages depopulated and destroyed by Zionist terrorist death squads that were set up in Palestine under the protection of the British mandate. Today more than 7 million Palestinian refugees, the largest refugee community in the world, are living in exile, while 5 million Palestinians are living in the world’s largest open-air prison in Gaza.

I got professional in grief & awaiting .
You retune in the evening.
Composed by : Rahbani Brothers.
Sung by; Fairuz.
Translated by: Abeer Y. Amro.
Edited & produced by: Ghinwa Al-Hamdan .
The Rahbani Brothers composed these two songs to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Catastrophe
….. Today marks the sixty-fifth memorial & the Catastrophe continues….

Nakba Day for Palestinians

May 15, 2013

Program discussing Nakba Day

Remembering the 65th anniversary of Nakba Day

May 15, 2013

Today, Palestinians all over the world commemorated the 65th anniversary of Nakba Day, also known as Catastrophe day. It has been 65 years that we witness ethnic cleansing when more than 780,000 Palestinians were displaced from their motherland.

Israel in the 65 years since the catastrophe has implemented an apartheid system when dealing with the Palestinians. It should come as no surprise to people that United States continues to support Israel’s apartheid system the same way the U.S. supported South Africa in its cruel system.

It’s been 65 years that Israel has engaged in terrorist activities, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid policies. 65 years will not stop the people of Palestine for the right to return to their motherland. 65 years of resistance. 65 years of a struggle that has received support from millions of people around the world. And on this day, I stand with the people of Palestine to commemorate Nakba Day.

Here is a link where people can see pictures of how the people of Gaza remembered today’s Nakba day.