Archive for September, 2011

Catching Hell, documentary on Steve Bartman

September 28, 2011

This is a must see documentary for any baseball fan. Catching Hell is based on Steve Bartman, the die hard Cubs fan who reached for a foul ball on Game 6 of the 2003 NLCS. It was his instincts as a fan to reach for a foul ball that made his life a living hell afterwards. I won’t give the whole documentary away, but I will say this: Steve, any baseball fan would have reach to catch the foul ball. It wasn’t Steve’s fault that the Cubs blew the series. The Cubs still had a chance to clinch the series in Game 7 and they choke.

As a true baseball fan, seeing this documentary almost made me cry. You have to sympathize for Steve Bartman. It is very emotional to think of the living hell that he has lived with. If I’m Steve, I would not grant any interviews to the media. It is the media that really blew this out of proportion and created the painful experience that Steve has had to endure.

One another thing, I also enjoyed that this documentary also interviewed Bill Buckner and brought the painful experience of the 1986 incident to a closure. When Buckner is speaking to the media at Fenway Park, I also shed a tear when he gets emotional to forgive the media. I don’t think there is a baseball fan out there who will not get emotional when they see Bill Buckner walking to the mound at Fenway Park to throw the ceremonial first pitch.

For those who were not able to see the documentary last night on ESPN, here it is. Enjoy.

Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, dies after long battle with cancer

September 27, 2011

Dr. Wangari Maathai passed away yesterday after a long battle with cancer. She was 71 years old. She passed away surrounded by family members. I wrote about Dr. Maathai on her birthday in my blog earlier this year. Here is what I wrote about her back in April:

For people who want to know more about the Green Belt Movement, go to their website.

Dr. Wangari Maathai,
Rest In Peace

Kershaw wins his 21st game to make his case for the NL Cy Young Award

September 26, 2011
Clayton Kershaw

Clayton Kershaw earn his 21st win as the Dodgers beat the San Diego Padres 6-2 on Sunday. With the win, he ties Ian Kennedy of the Diamondbacks for the league lead in wins. Kershaw can pretty much wrap up the pitching triple crown as he leads the league in E.R.A. with a 2.28 and Strikeouts with 248.

There is no doubt in my mind that Clayton Kershaw should be this year’s recipient of the NL Cy Young Award. The previous pitchers who have taken the triple crown have all won the Cy Young Award. I hope the 32 Baseball writers who will vote for the NL Cy Young, will look at the numbers that Kershaw put up this season and cast their vote on the pitchers’ performance rather than focus on where his team finish in the standings.

Thank you Kershaw for giving us an amazing season despite the distractions that the team had off the field. As a Doyer fan, I am happy for the season that he had. If it wasn’t for Kershaw and Kemp, the Dodgers would have been in last place. I only hope that Kemp will finish the season on a tear and hit his 40th homerun. With the season that Kemp is having this season, he deserves to take the hitters’ version of the triple crown. Let’s hope the Baseball God’s feel the same way.

Here are great articles to read about Kershaw’s performance.

Recordando al Comandante Filiberto Ojeda Rios

September 24, 2011

Filiberto Ojeda Rios

Para los desgraciados de la FBI que asesinaron en la forma mas cobarde al comandante Filiberto Ojeda el 23 de Septiembre del 2005 en Hormigueros, Puerto Rico. Justo ese dia se celebraba el Grito de Lares. Para los yanquis imperialistas, que lo sepan y lo sepan muy claro, mataron al hombre pero no a sus ideas. Por cada revolucionario que asesinan, miles mas nacen. Recordemos al Comandante Filiberto y su lucha por ver un Puerto Rico Libre.
Viva Los Macheteros!!!

El Ultimo Mensaje de Filiberto antes de ser asesinado

Al carajo con el FBI

Esto es un mensaje…
De parte del residente ‘e Calle 13…
Pa’ to’ el gobierno…
Y pa’ to’ los puertorriqueños…
Danny, métele ahí…

Queridos compatriotas…
Abogados, maestros, alcaldes, y chotas
Doctores, bichotes, bomberos, enfermeros
Contables, traqueteros, piragüeros, to’ el mundo entero
Por mi madre que hoy me disfrazo de machetero
Y esta noche voy a ahorcar a diez marineros
Hoy tengo la mano aniquela’ y a mano pela’
Les vo’a dar una pela pa’ que vean que el gas pela
Nuestra bandera la han llena’o de meao
Murió desangra’o, mi gente, que murió desangra’o
Nunca arrodilla’o, lo van a tener que enterrar para’o
Con el machete al la’o
Que se activen La Perla, Lloren, Barbosa
Manuela, Caimito, Vista Hermosa
Covadonga, Camarones, Alturas, Torres Sabanas
Villa Esperanza, Sabana Abajo, Villa Fontana
Gladiolas, Villa Carolina, el pueblo de Trujillo
Las parcelas, San John, Monte Hatillo
Canales, San José, Río Grande, Luquillo
Puerta de Tierra, Santurce, Monasillo
Urbanizaciones, caseríos, el FBI se ha metido en un lío
Están jodidos, se jodio la Casa Blanca
Ahora voy a explotar con estilo
En el nombre de Filiberto Ojeda Ríos
Me tumbaron el pulmón derecho pero todavía respiro
Me voy a los tiros, pero todavía respiro
A los federales con piedras les tiro
Y si no hay piedras pues les tiro con güiro
Con lo que sea, tumbaron al hombre pero no a la idea
A to’ los federales los escupo con diarrea
Me dan nausea, me dan asco
Yo se que estoy perdiendo los cascos
Por culpa de ustedes, jodios brutos
La Calle 13 esta de luto
(Con calma, Compi, hay que ser astuto!) ¡Cállate!
Fucking federales, gandules y guardias estatales
Que no hicieron na’, con las manos cruzadas
Se quedaron mamándose un bicho
Fucking cabron gobierno que permite esto
Chorro ‘e puercos, son todos unos insectos
Y por eso protesto
Protesto por una masacre en Ponce
Protesto por un Cerro Maravilla
Y hasta por un septiembre 11
(Lucha, lucha!)
(Como lucha libre!)
(Por la libre, viva Puerto Rico libre!)
(Hay mucho tiburón en el Caribe!)
(100 x 35 es el calibre!)
(Lucha, lucha!)
(Como lucha libre!)
(Por la libre, viva Puerto Rico libre!)
(Hay mucho tiburón en el Caribe!)
(100 x 35 es el calibre!)

Pa’ explotar a esos cabrones los colmillos
Hay 3.9 millones de cuchillos
Esto es sencillo, se me prendió el bombillo
Lo que hay es que activar a los corillos
En vez de apuntar pa’ los mismos caseríos
Apuntar pa’ arriba, pa’ donde hace frío
Pa’ los del Norte, sin cojones la radio y las ventas
White Lion me dio el pasaporte pa’ tirar este corte

(Lucha, lucha!)
(Como lucha libre!)
(Por la libre, viva Puerto Rico libre!)
(Hay mucho tiburón en el Caribe!)
(100 x 35 es el calibre!)
(Lucha, lucha!)
(Como lucha libre!)
(Por la libre, viva Puerto Rico libre!)
(Hay mucho tiburón en el Caribe!)
(100 x 35 es el calibre!)

Este fue el residente ‘e Calle 13!
Acuérdense de mi nombre!
Porque lo van a tener en las carpetas!
Con to’ el peso de la calle!
Les va a caer la Calle 13 completa!
Pa’ que respeten!
Aquí se respeta o se te espeta!
Se respeta o se te espeta!
Se respeta o se te espeta, puñeta!

Comandante Filiberto Ojeda…PRESENTE!!!

Recordando a Pablo Neruda

September 24, 2011

Ricardo Eliezer Neftali Reyes Basoalto, mejor conocido por todo el mundo como Pablo Neruda, fallecio el 23 de Septiembre de 1973. Pablo Neruda, el poeta del pueblo fue uno de los mejores poetas que represento a Chile y a Latinoamerica. Neruda, ganador del Premio Nobel de la Literatura, fue un gran poeta pero tambien fue un militante del Partido Comunista de Chile. Neruda llego a ser Senador de Chile en 1945 y en 1970 fue el candidato presidencial para el Partido Comunista pero renuncia para apoyar la candidatura de Salvador Allende y la Unidad Popular. Pablo Neruda habia dicho que esta era la cuarta y la ultima vez que Salvador Allende se postulaba como Presidente, “esta era la cuarta y la vencida para mi porfiado Presidente.” Neruda cumplio un rol importante en el gobierno de Allende siendo el embajador de Chile en Francia.

Aqui les dejo este documental para los que quieran conocer un poco mas de este gran poeta.

Aqui les dejo un link con frases de Pablo Neruda
Neruda en su propia voz
Chile despide a Neruda
Victor Jara hizo un buen trabajo en componer canciones de unos poemas de Pablo Neruda.
Este es un tributo de Victor Jara  a Pablo Neruda.

“No se sorprenda nadie
porque quiero entregar
a los hombres [y mujeres]
los dones de la tierra
porque aprendi luchando
que es mi deber terrestre
propagar la alegria.
Y cumplo mi destino
con mi canto.”
-Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda, PRESENTE!!!

It’s time for Palestine to become newest member of the United Nations

September 24, 2011
US threatens veto as Palestine UN campaign starts

Today the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas handed a one page letter to formally ask the United Nations to recognize Palestine as the 194th  member of the General Assembly. This is a very important day in the history of Palestine. After trying to negotiate with Israel, the Palestinians took their cause to the United Nations, the same organization that recognized Israel an independent state in 1948. If Israel can be granted a state why can’t Palestine?

We  know that the U.S. will veto Palestine’s plan for Statehood but it was Obama who mentioned last year that he would like to see the United Nations welcoming Palestine as the newest member. It is absurd that the “Quarter” which is composed of the U.S., Russia, European Union and the United Nations asked Israel and Palestine to come back to the table when there is no representative from the Arab world, African Union or Latin America. The “quartet” does not represent the world, they only represent their interest in the middle east. Palestine should not be forced to abide by any talks that does not benefit the Palestinian people. The world stands behind the Palestinian cause and the United Nations should use their powers without any interference from other countries. It’s time for Palestine to become the 194th member of the General Assembly.


Here is Abbas’ speech at the UN

Tomorrow is Hunger Action Day in L.A.

September 22, 2011
To learn more about Hunger issues go to:

Two policers officers charged in the death of Kelly Thomas

September 22, 2011
Kelly Thomas memorial
Today the Distric Attorney charged two police officers in the death of Kelly Thomas, a homeless schizophrenic who died after being beaten and tased to death. One officer was charged with second degree murder and involuntary manslaugther. The second officer was charged with involuntary manslaughter and excessive use of force.

To read more about the case, here are these two articles.

I just hope that people’s perception of homeless people will change. We don’t have to wait for them to die for us to demonstrate compassion. They don’t have to be White and reside in Fullerton, for us to care about their lives. Every life is precious and every person has a story. Let’s not judge homeless people by their looks or have our minds be contaminated by society’s stereotypes. People will be surprise how much they can learn from those on the margins of society.

Troy Davis is executed…F—K Georgia state officials

September 22, 2011
Troy Davis was executed in Georgia. I am so pissed right now! We need to abolish the death penalty. Not even freakin Obama had the guts to use his powers to stop the execution. Heck, I would have love had he even tried but he was too busy trying to please his Jewish lobbyist and preventing the Palestinians from seeking membership to the United Nations.

Georgia officials are Racist Bastards. They never had the intention of granting Troy Davis a fair trial. When all the world was looking at them to make the right decision, they let their prejudice take over and killed an innocent man. How can we as a country talk about peace and justice when we allow this type of shit to happen? We talk about Peace and we bomb nations! We talk about Justice and we execute innocent people!

May Troy’s death not be in vain and may we work twice as hard to abolish the death penalty.

Hear is an article about Troy’s last words to the prison officials who were given the difficult task of killing him.
U.S. executions by the numbers


Free Troy Davis by Mumia Abu Jammal

September 21, 2011
Troy Davis is scheduled to be executed today at 7pm unless some last minute miracle to save his life. The state of Georgia will be sending a terrible message if they end up executing an innocent man. In the name of Justice may we continue having hope that the voices of all those who believe in Justice will be heard to help save an innocent man’s life.

Here is Mumia Abul Jammal speaking on the case of Troy Davis.

Here are two articles worth reading.