Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Long Live Palestine

February 28, 2021

To truly fight for human rights and social justice, one has to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Angela Davis has been a living proof of a courageous revolutionary womyn who has understood the connection between Black Liberation and Palestinian Liberation.

One cannot be “woke” and be “asleep” when it comes to the Palestinian struggle. True solidarity with the oppressed people of the world requires us to taken a stand for what it’s right. It is not right that Palestinians are living under military occupation. Not okay that Gaza has been under a blockade for 13 years. In Gaza they only have electricity for 4 hours a day and they can only fish under a 3 mile radius. If fisherman pass the 3 mile radius, Israeli Navy will shoot at them and arrest them. No medical supplies or Goods can come into Gaza. It has been referred as the World’s Open Air Prison. Gaza Christians can’t celebrate Easter Sunday or Christmas in Jerusalem or Bethlehem since they are not allowed to leave Gaza. And Palestinians in the West Bank can’t visit their family and loved ones in Gaza. Israeli Apartheid has made life really difficult for Palestinians.

Currently, Israeli Apartheid has been denying vaccines to Palestinians. As the Occupier they are required to provide vaccines to the Palestinians. Instead, they have sent vaccines to foreign countries.

As we move forward, let us continue speaking out against these types of injustices and medical apartheid.



Sam Cooke’s 90th Birthday

January 22, 2021

The King of Soul would’ve been 90 years old today.

Happy Birthday Sam.

Rest in Power.

Feliz 27 Aniversario Al EZLN

January 1, 2021

Hace 27 años que el EZLN se presento al mundo cuando los Zapatistas hicieron su levantamiento en el 1994 en Chiapas.

Les Zapatistas siguen en pie de lucha inspirando a gente y a colectives por todo el mundo.

A seguir luchando para construir Un Mundo Donde Quepan Muchos Mundos.

Abajo y ala Izquierda esta el ❤

Aborto Legal es Ley y Argentina Celebra Este Dia Historico

December 30, 2020

Hoy en Argentina se aprobo la ley del aborto. La nueva ley permite la interrupción del embarazo sin justificación hasta la catorce semana de gestación. Con esta nueva ley, miles de personas celebraron este dia historico la despenalización del aborto.

Yo como hombre no soy nadie para dar opiniones sobre lo que una mujer hace con su cuerpo. A la Mujer se le RESPETA y punto.

Felicidades a todes en Argentina por este gran dia. Hoy, Argentina, Mañana por todo America Latina.

The Separation Wall in Bethlehem, Palestine

May 31, 2018

I took this pic during my visit to Palestine.

This is part of the Apartheid wall that one will see in Bethlehem.

I will always maintain the struggle of the Palestinians close to my heart.


Welcome to Palestine

April 30, 2018

View of Ramallah

April 30, 2018

Here is a view of Ramallah during my time in Palestine

Remembering Dr. D’s 10 year Death Anniversary

February 9, 2018

Today is the 10 year death anniversary of my college professor. His name was John Alfred Dennis, better known to his students as Dr. D.

Dr. D not only taught classes at Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, CA but also taught courses at City College of San Francisco and at Edward Shans Adult School in East School. On his weekends, Dr. D was a lay chaplain in the San Francisco jails where he did prison ministry. Dr. D. was studying to become a deacon in 2008.

Those of us who were blessed to have him as a professor will say the same thing: He loved teaching and he loved his students.

I was one of those blessed students. Dr. D made a deep impact in my life. Dr. D was our Jaime Escalante. Instead of Ganas it was Kekenewe. The long version was Kekenewe Simbabale Bobo! He was a very charismatic man who went above and beyond for his students. Dr. D was a very gifted professor who found a way to connect to all his students.

I love and missed Dr. D. No amount of words can do Justice to the hundreds of lives that he deeply impacted. The best way is for you the reader to see for yourself.

Below is a memorial video shot by one of his beloved students, Gus Guardado. Gus is also working on a documentary to bring Dr. D’s story to life. Please help us spread the voice of Dr. D. I am sure that his story will inspire and touch some of you.

Here is a short video of me talking about the deep impact Dr. D made in my life.

If you are interested in supporting the Dr. D documentary project please reach out with your contact info and I will connect you to Gus.


Remembering the Life of Hugh Masekela

January 23, 2018

The great South African Hugh Masekela passed away today at the age of 78 after a battle with Prostate Cancer. I was very fortunate to attend several of his shows. I became a fan of Masekela when I study abroad in Cape Town, South Africa. Masekela’s Bring Back Nelson Mandela, was an anti-apartheid anthem that introduced him and his music to people from various parts of the world.

Masekela was a very funny man. He demonstrated his sense of humor on stage. He was so charismatic on  stage. Hugh, the Father of South African Jazz, will be greatly missed.

Here are some of the songs that I was able to record from some of Masekela shows that I attended.













Dia De Los Dodgers

October 31, 2017

Dodgers beat Houston 3-1 to force a Game 7. 1st time Dodger Stadium will be hosting a Game 7. 

I am so HAPPY! Let’s Go DODGERS!